Hello again
My Stats Website
I like stats, it tells us what we might have assumed as being gospel.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Monday, February 11, 2008
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Friday, April 07, 2006
Artist: Steriogram Lyrics
Artist: Steriogram Lyrics
Song: Tsunami Lyrics
So i'm here alone again
I was wondering if you think i'm a mess
What is the point of this?
Did I miss it was going wrong
And it had been this bad for so long
When you place the blame
Well it's such a shame
When you act this way
So whats the point of this
Tsunami all in front of me
Sit alone with a brewsky for the change its in the air
It's around me
It's all i wanna be
I'll carry on maybe not that far to go now
You said it to me
Give it up will work
It's all changed
Too much, never ends
Well i'm here alone again
I was wondering if you think i'm a mess
What is the point of this?
Soon it'll become clear
But until we get there
We gotta work through the fear
Well i know its rough
When you must confront
All the stuff you can bluff
But i'm not here to impress you with fakeness
I thought that this was real
Assusmed too much
What is the point of this?
Well it seems worse than it is
And i hope i'm right
Because this i will miss
But if we push on through
Then we can prove
There is too much to lose
So whats the point of this?
Waiting watching almost sleeping
Lonely hurting hope i'm keeping
I run falling over
Here comes that tsunami again
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
How lucky we are!
How lucky we had been!
I was looking at the stats on NationMaster again and saw the Tsunami stats. NationMaster provides good stats, but no sats could ever explain the feeling of being there!
That morning a group of us had been moving out of Bangkok to visit Burma as we had never been there. We went down to Ranong and boarded a "Long Boat".
We headed out from the Thai side to the Burmese side however when we had been about in the center, we go struck by a large wave. We knew nothing, however everyone went rather silent and lit up their camels. Burma was interesting however we moved back to the Thai side of the border. I remember laying in my room when my friend called from reception. Switch on the TV!, switch on the TV! The first we knew about the tsunami in our own backyard was when we saw it on CNN. Go figure! Thai TV followed later with the news. We had been very lucky! We know that now.
More tomorrow.....

NationMaster Tsunami Funds (per $ GDP)
Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 Kuwait...........$2,083,330.00 per $1 billion
#2 Australia........$1,340,360.00 per $1 billion
#3 Qatar............$1,282,710.00 per $1 billion
#4 Norway...........$957,924.00 per $1 billion
#5 New Zealand......$793,428.00 per $1 billion
#6 Netherlands......$624,610.00 per $1 billion
#7 Finland..........$431,878.00 per $1 billion
#8 Denmark..........$424,312.00 per $1 billion
#9 Canada...........$337,204.00 per $1 billion
#10 United Arab Emirates....$314,120.00 per $1 billion
NationMaster Tsunami Foreigners missing
Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 Japan...........700
#2 Germany.........668
#3 Sweden..........637
#4 Switzerland.....500
#5 Austria.........500
#6 United States...456
#7 United Kingdom..359
#8 Belgium.........350
#9 Australia.......349
#10 Italy...........310
#11 Finland.........214
#12 Brazil..........99
#13 France..........90
#14 Norway..........77
#15 Hong Kong.......70
#16 New Zealand.....64
#17 Denmark.........57
#18 Taiwan..........45
#19 Turkey..........44
#20 Poland..........43
#21 Russia..........36
#22 Singapore.......31
#23 Netherlands.....30
#24 Ireland.........20
#25 Argentina.......18
#26 Canada..........13
#27 Spain...........11
#28 Portugal........8
#29 Korea, South....8
#30 Czech Republic..7
#31 Israel..........5
#32 South Africa....4
#33 Estonia.........3
#34 Mexico..........3
#35 Macau...........3
#36 Luxembourg......2
#37 Croatia.........1
Total: 5,835
Weighted average: 157.7
NationMaster Tsunami Death toll
Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 Indonesia............104,055
#2 Sri Lanka............48,677
#3 India................15,493
#4 Thailand.............5,246
#5 Somalia..............176
#6 Burma................90
#7 Maldives.............82
#8 Malaysia.............68
#9 Tanzania.............10
#10 Seychelles...........3
#11 Bangladesh...........2
#12 South Africa.........2
#13 Kenya................1
#14 Yemen................1
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Stats and more stats
I have always like stats for a number of reasons however it has always been a bit difficult to get reliable stats because the sites are so hidden on the internet. Afterall if you wanted stats on car thefts on a nation by nation bases where would you find it? Try google and it gives you a range of utter crap.
About 3 weeks ago I was browsing the internet when I found a website called Nationmaster. It was an interesting site with alot of stats ranging form GDP to crime. A few of these I have coppied to the blog as a matter of interest. Nationmaster is good in fact the layout of the website is great. Check it out yourself. My next update to my blog will be tomorrow. Goodnight!
NationMaster : Total tax wedge
Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 Belgium...........55.6%
#2 Hungary...........52.6%
#3 Germany...........50.7%
#4 Sweden............48.6%
#5 France............48.3%
#6 Italy.............46.2%
#7 Finland...........45.9%
#8 Austria...........44.7%
#9 Denmark...........44.2%
#10 Turkey............43.2%
NationMaster : Happiness net
Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 Iceland.........94%
#2 Netherlands.....91%
#3 Sweden..........91%
#4 Denmark.........91%
#5 Australia.......90%
#6 Switzerland.....89%
#7 Ireland.........89%
#8 Norway..........88%
#9 Venezuela.......87%
#10 United Kingdom..87%
NationMaster : English speakers
Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 United States......210,000,000
#2 United Kingdom.....55,000,000
#3 Canada.............17,100,000
#4 Australia..........15,682,000
#5 South Africa.......3,500,000
#6 New Zealand........3,213,000
#7 Ireland............2,600,000
#8 Zimbabwe...........375,490
#9 Singapore..........227,000
NationMaster : Military Expenditure
Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 Israel...........$1,429.03 per person
#2 Singapore........$1,009.94 per person
#3 United States....$935.64 per person
#4 New Caledonia....$888.25 per person
#5 Brunei...........$885.43 per person
#6 Kuwait...........$842.17 per person
#7 Qatar............$837.73 per person
#8 Oman.............$807.46 per person
#9 France...........$766.62 per person
#10 Bahrain..........$764.44 per person
NationMaster : Economic aid - Donor
Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 Luxembourg......$313.72 per person
#2 Norway..........$304.81 per person
#3 Denmark.........$300.07 per person
#4 Netherlands.....$201.13 per person
#5 Belgium.........$103.44 per person
#6 France..........$89.03 per person
#7 Finland.........$72.56 per person
#8 Ireland.........$70.47 per person
#9 Germany.........$67.94 per person
#10 Austria.........$63.53 per person
NationMaster : Murders with firearms
Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 South Africa.....0.719782 per 1,000 people
#2 Colombia.........0.509801 per 1,000 people
#3 Thailand.........0.312093 per 1,000 people
#4 Zimbabwe.........0.0491736 per 1,000 people
#5 Mexico...........0.0337938 per 1,000 people
#6 Belarus..........0.0321359 per 1,000 people
#7 Costa Rica.......0.0313745 per 1,000 people
#8 United States....0.0279271 per 1,000 people
#9 Uruguay..........0.0245902 per 1,000 people
#10 Lithuania........0.0230748 per 1,000 people
NationMaster : School life expectancy
Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 Norway...........16.9 years
#2 Finland..........16.7 years
#3 Australia........16.6 years
#4 United Kingdom...16.4 years
#5 New Zealand......16.2 years
#6 Sweden...........16 years
#7 Netherlands......15.9 years
#8 Belgium..........15.8 years
#9 Iceland..........15.8 years
#10 Denmark..........15.6 years
NationMaster : Population
Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 China................1,306,310,000
#2 India................1,080,260,000
#3 United States........295,734,000
#4 Indonesia............241,974,000
#5 Brazil...............186,113,000
#6 Pakistan.............162,420,000
#7 Bangladesh...........144,320,000
#8 Russia...............143,420,000
#9 Nigeria..............128,766,000
#10 Japan................127,417,000
#11 Mexico...............106,203,000
#12 Philippines..........87,857,000
#13 Vietnam..............83,536,000
#14 Germany..............82,431,000
#15 Egypt................77,506,000
#16 Ethiopia.............73,053,000
#17 Turkey...............69,661,000
#18 Iran.................68,018,000
#19 Thailand.............64,186,000
#20 Congo, Democratic....60,764,000
NationMaster : Murders (per capita)
Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 Colombia............0.617847 per 1,000 people
#2 South Africa........0.496008 per 1,000 people
#3 Jamaica.............0.324196 per 1,000 people
#4 Venezuela...........0.316138 per 1,000 people
#5 Russia..............0.201534 per 1,000 people
#6 Mexico..............0.130213 per 1,000 people
#7 Estonia.............0.107277 per 1,000 people
#8 Latvia..............0.10393 per 1,000 people
#9 Lithuania...........0.102863 per 1,000 people
#10 Belarus.............0.0983495 per 1,000 people
#11 Ukraine.............0.094006 per 1,000 people
#12 Papua New Guinea....0.0838593 per 1,000 people
#13 Kyrgyzstan..........0.0802565 per 1,000 people
#14 Thailand............0.0800798 per 1,000 people
#15 Moldova.............0.0781145 per 1,000 people
#16 Zimbabwe............0.0749938 per 1,000 people
#17 Seychelles..........0.0739025 per 1,000 people
#18 Zambia..............0.070769 per 1,000 people
#19 Costa Rica..........0.061006 per 1,000 people
#20 Poland..............0.0562789 per 1,000 people
NationMaster : GDP (per capita)
Rank Country Amount (top to bottom)
#1 British Virgin Islands.........$110,321.00 per person
#2 Luxembourg.....................$58,198.20 per person
#3 Norway.........................$39,843.20 per person
#4 United States..................$39,731.70 per person
#5 Guernsey.......................$39,706.90 per person
#6 Jersey.........................$39,642.30 per person
#7 Bermuda........................$35,646.00 per person
#8 Hong Kong......................$33,990.40 per person
#9 Switzerland....................$33,636.00 per person
#10 San Marino....................$32,548.50 per person
#11 Denmark.......................$32,106.00 per person
#12 Iceland.......................$31,586.90 per person
#13 Ireland.......................$31,474.10 per person
#14 Cayman Islands................$31,420.80 per person
#15 Austria.......................$31,264.50 per person
#16 Canada........................$31,184.30 per person
#17 Belgium.......................$30,509.50 per person
#18 Australia.....................$30,448.00 per person
#19 United Kingdom................$29,483.30 per person
#20 Japan.........................$29,391.70 per person
Someone noted:
You must also consider that the smaller the country is, the more misleading GDP figueres get. Countries with less that 5 or 6 million inhabitants tend to be very dependant on trade, and peculiar discrepencies can arise. Also consider PPP of countries as well as the United Nation's Human Development Index when determining the most economically sound nation in the world